Goodbye Again

~~Goodbye Again~~


suitcases & groceries

computers & iPads

a filled car

ready to leave


~Goodbye Again~


chilly & cold

a snowy sky

a wet windshield

a dirty car


~Goodbye Again~


hustle & bustle

a city on the horizon

a crisp blue sky

an anxious arrival


~Goodbye Again~


suitcases & groceries

computers & iPads

an empty car

sad to leave


~Goodbye Again~


chilly & cold

a snowy sky

tears in my eyes

an empty heart


~Goodbye Again~


a quiet house

an empty room

far away

close to my heart


~Goodbye Again~


thinking & reminiscing

a beautiful girl

academic achievements

athletic accomplishments

a happy heart


~Hello Again~


i love you much


*inspired by my daughter’s recent departure to college

and mentor text Poetry Matters


Ralph Fletcher

Slice of Life

Slice of Life

Slice of Life

hosted at

Two Writing Teachers

Join in and share a slice of your life!

17 thoughts on “Goodbye Again

  1. I know this feeling. Took my daughter to the airport (again). Flying across the ocean. I’m grateful for Skype, VIber and Facetime!

  2. This is a poem that begs to be read aloud. The repetition and switch at the end definitely lent toward what you were feeling. Keep the poems coming…. thank you for posting this one!

  3. Wonderful poem – -perfectly captured the sentiment in your heart. Makes me wonder how I will survive this transition in many years (my girls are only 2 and 5 years old). Your poem made me weepy just thinking about it.

  4. Such a bittersweet time. I wasn’t sure if it was you leaving or someone leaving you. It is sort of the same thing in the end I guess. Love how you used Ralph Fletcher’s great mentor work to guide you. Thank you for sharing.

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