running reverso

the race day
ready to run
sneakers are on
my laces are tied
Garmin is charged and all set
bib is pinned securely in place
believe in your training, believe in yourself!
run, run, run as fast you can
listening to my favorite running playlist
music motivates the runner in me
you got this
grab a cup of water
run, run as fast as you can
wipe the sweat from my face
up hills, down hills
you got this
around the corner
crowds cheering,
for me?
run, run, run as fast as you can!
believe in your training, believe in yourself
wearing a smile on my face
when glancing at my Garmin
crossing the finish line
13.1 miles complete!
the day raced
A reverso poem, a poetry form invented by Marilyn Singer, may be read from the top down or the bottom up. It’s a tricky, playful form.


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21 thoughts on “running reverso

  1. WOW! This is impressive. Not just the poetry form, but also your accomplishment of running your marathon. You’ve inspired me to give it a try! (Writing a reverso poem, not running…. 🙂


  2. Good morning, Amy. Haven’t heard of this structure before. Nicely done! ( both the poem and the run)

    • Thanks, Bob! It is like a wrestling match writing it, but it was fun. You should give it a try. I’ll probably play around with it again.

    • Clare & Tammy, of course I use mentor texts! Check out the picture books by Marilyn Singer. They are perfect! And if you want to tackle a running, I have a strategy for that too! Happy Writing!

  3. I’m taking your poem to school to share with some students who are trying out reverso poems after I shared “Echo Echo” in their classroom last week. You’re incredible!

    • Ramona, I honored that you will sharing! Writing a reverso is a challenge, but so is running the race. Either one, it is fun!

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