it was time

it was time to go for a run

but the excuses

wavered in the air

like a flight of bees on a summer day.


it was time to go for a run

but the excuses

bounced around my mind

like a pinball in a machine.


it was time to go for a run

but the excuses

dashed around my feet

like mice scurrying for a piece of cheese.


the excuses ebb and flow

but that run is now complete

the excuses did not win

no regrets, no defeat!



Mentor Text: Catch Your Breath, Writing Poignant Poetry

by: Laura Purdie Salas

“Poems” by Kate Coombs


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Two Writing Teachers

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18 thoughts on “it was time

  1. What a great poem, Amy! It’s got a great structure and love how your excuses are wavering, prancing and dashing about your feet. Glad you got your run in!

  2. A run???? Eleven miles is almost half a marathon! Wow! Good for you for not giving up!
    I love the structure of this poem. Also your verb choice and similes. I want to get Laura’s book!

    • I’m actually training for a half marathon so that would be the reason for the 11 miles! Whether it’s 11 miles or 3, I still go through the same process! Yes, pick up a copy of Laura’s book!

  3. I could see the excuses creeping from your words, to my screen, trying to grab me too! Today is the 2nd day of excuses not to exercise. I love the comparisons you used: “… excuses dashed around my feet like mice scurrying…”. And loved the personification of excuses. They can be so forceful if we let them. If we let them.

  4. I like the active verbs you used to describe the excuses and then . . . triumph! We all have times where the excuses ebb and flow (even if we’re not runners). You make me want to get Laura’s book!

  5. I had to giggle when I saw your mileage and pace 🙂 I thought a “run” was a few miles. I too, am a runner, and could connect to your poem. I also love to use mentor texts to guide my writing. Are you training for a certain distance?

    • Hi Rachel! Yes, I’m training for a 1/2 marathon, which is next weekend. That would be the reason for the 11 miles! Then I have another 1/2 marathon scheduled in May. It keeps me busy! 😊

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