And Just Like That…

I remember when you were one,

we took you for walks in your stroller and snuggled in the afternoon.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were two,

we spent our time together at the pool and the playground.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were three,

we read from your basket of books and enjoyed milk & cookies.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were four,

we went to the Rail Trail and you learned to ride a two-wheel bike.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were five,

you went off to kindergarten-reading and writing on your own.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were six,

you loved playing in the backyard and taking care of your turtle, Puska.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were seven,

we took you to Boyd’s Bears and you brought home Grace.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were eight,

we moved into our new house and went to visit Micky Mouse.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were nine,

you went to a new school and Mrs. Patterson taught you cursive.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were ten,

you got your first pet, Nibbles our beloved chinchilla.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were eleven,

we went on vacation to Deep Creek Lake. Now it’s a family tradition.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were twelve,

you found a new passion in baking cakes and cupcakes.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were thirteen,

you played your oboe in the middle school band.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were fourteen,

you ran Cross Country for the varsity team and competed in States.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were fifteen,

you took your favorite class, chemistry biology.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were sixteen,

you found a new sense of freedom after getting your driver’s license.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were seventeen,

we visited colleges and you decided to attend Duquesne University.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were eighteen,

you graduated from high school and started college.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

I remember when you were nineteen,

you traveled on Spring break, leaving Mom & Dad behind.

And just like that, now you’re twenty!

And so it is,

just like that,

now you’re twenty!

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(a slide-show of just a few of my favorite pictures through the years)


Slice of Life

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Two Writing Teachers

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24 thoughts on “And Just Like That…

  1. Amy, I just love this. I may steal the “just like that” line for my 19 year-old grandson’s birthday coming up in May. What a great way to celebrate Maddie’s birthday.

  2. Oh, Amy, great scaffold! So many small moments captured here. The slide show was fabulous! Such a great gift for your daughter – the best – from your heart! I enjoyed reading it and looking at the photos. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful poem.

  3. What a gift for your sweet daughter and what fun it must have been coming up with the memories to mark each year of her life! Thanks for sharing! I may have to borrow your format. Someone in my family is turning 70 soon and even though I’ve only been around for 60 something of those years, I bet an older sibling can help me out. .

  4. This is so beautiful, Amy! I remember the little girl in some of those pictures! I cried all over again… Annie turning 20 was hard. This next phase in our daughters’ lives is so exciting, but so scary at the same time. I’m holding on tight and enjoying the ride with her. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Pingback: Let’s Chat & Have Some Coffee Too | Runner, Reader, & Rockin' Mom

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