


Dear M.,
Tonight we celebrated you.
We were more than your friends.
We were your family.
You picked us; you chose us.
You made us laugh; we made you laugh.
You made us happy; we made you happy.
We shared good times with you; we shared not so good times.
You made us cry,
and boy have we cried,
but tonight we celebrated you for a final good-bye.
And as we did,
we reminded ourselves that we will always be connected you
and each other
just as you wished!


Slice of Life

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Two Writing Teachers

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Slice of Life

19 thoughts on “Good-bye

  1. So sorry about your loss. What a beautiful tribute.

    When I read slices about saying goodbye to someone, I think of the Ralph Fletcher quote, from his book, FIG PUDDING.

    “When someone you love dies, you get a big bowl of sadness put down in front of you, steaming hot. You can start eating now, or you can let it cool and eat it bit by bit later one. Either way, you end up eating the whole thing.”

  2. Amy, I hope that sharing memories with friends during the celebration of your friend’s life brought you comfort. I love the idea of your continuing connection symbolized with that red thread. Again, I am so sorry for your loss.

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