I Got This!

This literally has been a marathon of writing, perhaps even an ultra marathon! Last year I participated in the Slice of Life challenge, but I only posted twelve times over the course of the month; I never crossed the finish line. This year it has been different! This post marks thirty days of sharing a slice of my life-a marathon of mental exercise. Always thinking and always tap, tap, tapping away on the iPad-getting those ideas and thoughts down QUICK, pushing through and reminding myself…
I got this!
There were times when I was wishing March only had thirty days, and maybe you did too. I even asked myself, “Why can’t we have the challenge in February?  There are only 28/29 days in February!” It’s like when you’re running a marathon and you wonder why a marathon can’t be just twenty-six miles but nooooo, it’s twenty-six point two miles!  Regardless, I pushed through and reminded myself …
I got this! 
Then, there were times when I was telling myself that I’ll never do this again! It’s too much work and I don’t have the time to devote to writing. Since I’m so close to crossing the finish line, the feelings have changed and I’ve forgotten all about the mental anguish. I pushed through and reminded myself…
I got this!
Now I know I’m going to make it to the finish line—thirty-one days of slicing! Here’s what I did to push through and remind myself…
I got this!
  1. Gathering a stack of mentor texts to inspire my writings. Whenever writer’s block would set in I just picked up a mentor text.

    mentor text

    some of my favorites

  2. Before the challenge began, I set up drafts/templates in WordPress for each day of the month. This was a huge time saver! Thanks to Literacy Learning Zone for this idea.
  3. Evernote has been a godsend! I used Evernote as my writing journal.  I established a special notebook just for writing and blogging. This app is on my MacBook, iPhone, and iPad so I am never without it.
  4. Sliceable moments were all around me, so before the challenge began I made a list of possible topics. I didn’t want to get backed into a corner of “what do I write?” I used the Evernote app to capture possible writing topics and I actually came up with 40 topics.

    list of topics

    my personalized writing prompts

  5. Whenever I came across a blog that had and idea I thought I could use for a future post I added it to my Pocket app. This also helped me overcome writer’s block.
  6. Working on multiple posts at the same time got a bit crazy, but as a thought would strike me I’d add it to my “dump journal” in Evernote. I had multiple rough drafts going at a time.

    dump journal

    rough drafts

  7. I stayed on top of the posts by revising and editing them the night before I was ready to post them.
  8. WordPress allows me to schedule the publishing of finished post, so I took full advantage of this. I would schedule my final post before I went to bed.  Then I knew when I woke up in the morning that my post was live.
  9. I used the inspiration from the comments that were left on my blog to hold me accountable (those of you who showed up again and again, I.THANK.YOU!) and I commented on other blogs to keep me connected to the community of writers.
  10. Last but not least, I just went out there and had fun!
Thanks for the ride!  
It’s been fun!
I got this!  


Slice of Life

hosted at

Two Writing Teachers

Join in and share a slice of your life!

Slice of Life

21 thoughts on “I Got This!

  1. Amy, I love this post and this window into your writing world. It could be a great template for how to succeed with this challenge. I’m impressed with your drive and determination, but then again, you do run marathons! You’ve clearly got grit! I’ve so enjoyed sharing this month with you and thank you for always showing up with comments this month but also throughout the year. I hope you’ll keep slicing on Tuesdays–You’re on a roll!

    • Molly, sometimes all I need is an invitation to show up! Generally after I run a marathon I take a week off so I’m not sure what will happen with Tuesday. 🙂 I can’t thank you enough for inspiring the writer in me.

  2. Amy, what a great post! Thanks for the glimpse into your writing strategies. I’ve not used Evernote, but I think it’s a great idea. You do have determination, grit, and what my mom called good old “sticktoitiveness.” I have enjoyed reading your posts, and seeing your photos (especially the bunnies).

  3. I love this. There were many parts that I could relate to, many parts that I thought, “Oh…never thought about it that way, and many parts that brought new ideas.” You captured the overall feeling of this month oh.so.well.

  4. Amy, thank you so much for this post. I am going to revisit later today when I have time. You have so many great suggestions here, and I would like to try some. I have no idea how you can schedule a post to be published on wordpress without actually being there to physically do it, but I am going to try to find out. Love the Evernote idea. I should try it, but I do love writing in notebooks with different colored pens.Great repeating scaffold as a thread throughout this piece. Uplifting! Thank you!

    • Hi Lynn, to schedule a post you need to press the little “calendar” icon that is to the right of the publish button. Then choose your day and time and press the “schedule” button. Save your post and you should be good to go. Using Evernote was a learning curve, but definitely worth it! I’m glad you stopped by for a visit!

  5. Wow, what a great post! I love the comparison between running and writing. I didn’t think of them that way, but you make a really good point: I wouldn’t just run a marathon without training and planning, so why did I jump into the challenge without planning and organizing? Definitely saving this for next year! Thanks for sharing!

    • One of my mantras for running a race is “failure to plan is planning to fail” so yes my plan for the SOL challenge got me to the finish line. I’m glad you enjoyed the post.

  6. I think your last line says it all…have fun. Congratulations on completing the challenge. I re a Lily like your ideas of how you stayed ahead of the challenge.

  7. It has truly been great reading your words this month. I am impressed by your ability to write so much poetry. I also like the idea of using Evernote. Thanks for that suggestion. One more day!!


    • Thank you, Tara! Wow…a SOL pro. I guess you can say I have great role models! 🙂 I can’t thank you enough for all that you have done to promote and sustain this writing community. You rock!

  8. What a great post! Thank you so much for sharing. I have enjoyed reading your posts over the last 30 days. And I haven’t ever thought to use Pocket for blogs!!

  9. Popped back to read this post – terrible habit of mine. So glad I did! It’s a gold mine of guidance for first time and seasoned slicers. I’m definitely bookmarking this post. Some great ideas for me for next year.

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