a little talk, a little tea, and some biscotti, please!


Sit down,

join me for some tea.

A little biscotti and some talk is all we need!

If we were talking over tea this morning I would share…

that I am training for a half marathon. This is will be my  10th half marathon (throw some confetti here) and I’ll be running it in the beautiful city of Pittsburgh (and do a happy dance here). I’m not new to the city of Pittsburgh because I ran a marathon there two years ago and I ran the half marathon there last year. I’m in week #3 of my training so my training plan is still very manageable. My long run this week is a six mile run and my total milage for this week is 16 miles. So far, I feel good about my training plan and I’m looking forward to the race in May.

If we were talking over tea this morning I would share…

that I have read six books from my #MustReadin2017 list. I’m currently reading Flying Lessons and Other Stories by Ellen Ho. It’s a great compilation of stories and it even has one written by my new all-time favorite author, Kwame Alexander. Yes, I’m obsessed with his books. I absolutely loved his newest release, The Playbook: 52 Rules to Aim, Shoot, and Score in This Game Called Life. I loved everything about that book – the quotes, the format, the illustrations, the text, and the fact that orange inside feels and looks like a basketball. (Only book nerds would understand this!) I also finished Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult. Her book is shocking, spectacular, and thought-provoking. Yes, I sing Picoult’s praises too. Oh, and then there is Wolf Hollow by Lauren Wolk. Have you read it? Well, if you haven’t, you should. I would love to talk to you about that character Betty. There will be no spoilers here so just read Wolf Hollow, okay!?

If we were talking over tea this morning I would share…

that I am anxious for April to arrive. Maddie will be home and she will be turning the big two.one (21!). I don’t know how this happened, but it’s true. When she was home over Christmas she insisted that I learn how to use Snapchat. We’ve been snapping back and forth and having fun with it. Yes, she keeps me young. But most of all I’d like to share how proud I am of her. She’s in her Junior year of nursing school and texted us last week that she was accepted into Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honors Society. She was excited and so are we!


So that’s a wrap for this runner, reader, and rockin’ mom.

Your turn!

What would you like to talk about over some tea and, of course, biscotti?



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10 thoughts on “a little talk, a little tea, and some biscotti, please!

  1. Amy, it sounds like you have all sorts of positive things going on in your world! As always, I really enjoyed how you structured your piece. Have fun with Maddie next month! (Three cheers for our kids keeping us young!) Oh, and one last thing– I LOVED the book Wolf Hollow and loudly echo your recommendation!

  2. I, too, love Kramer Alexander. I must get Wolf Hollow! You have me sold. April will be here before you know it. Meanwhile, keep snapping!

  3. If we had tea this morning, I would tell you how proud I am of you for training so hard. I would share that I am also reading “Flying Lessons”, but that I haven’t read Kwame’s new book but I’d really like to. (Then you would offer to lend it to me because that’s what tea drinking friends do….). I would also reassure you that just because your Maddie is turning 21, she will ALWAYS need her mom and that you have done such a wonderful job raising her. I would also tell you how happy I am to see your words posted here today, two days in a row, and that the best part of March is being able to have these conversations.

    These are just a few things I would say….

  4. Yum! I’ve never had tea with biscotti–always coffee! Now I want to try it!

    So, if we were having tea and biscotti this morning, I would tell you that you inspire me. I have a ten-month-old daughter and I can’t imagine running another half marathon anytime soon. Or really doing anything that the “old me” would have done! I know that this time will pass quickly, and that I’ll long for it to slow down. But I am looking forward to the day when Ruthie is off to college I’ll find my running legs once again!

  5. Love this format, Amy. I we were talking books I would have to comment on two that I just finished: Orphan X and Nowhere Man, both written by Greg Hurwitz. I would also talk about the unusually warm February we had, and getting ready for our upcoming trip.

  6. I love how you began each section! It made me want to have biscotti. I’ll have to give it a try. My Maddie just made me get Spotify and she is teaching me how to use it.

  7. Hi Amy, is it time for afternoon tea? I love the way you set this up, and loved visiting. Yes, I’m throwing confetti for you in your running! That’s awesome. As for books, I have so many on that #MustReadIn2017 list, but also have Flying Stories, & hope to get to it soon. I know about Kwame’s new books, & can’t wait to see them (new poetry too!). Yes, I’ve read Wolf Hollow. It certainly made me uncomfortable & I was tense the whole time. But it was a great story, too. Thanks for the biscotti, tea & talk!

  8. I admire anyone who has run one marathon so I don’t know what I would have for someone who runs TEN! You go go! I must get on my #MustReadin2017 list – I have read one! I loved Wolf Hallow, but I need to order The Playbook! So much reading and writing to do and so little time!

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