Join Me at Starbucks!

If we were chatting at Starbucks this morning I would share…

that I bit the bullet and signed up for *three* races. My first race will be a ten mile race right here in my home town. It’s on the local rail trail. I am so familiar with the course that there shouldn’t be any surprises. The ten miler is right around the corner, and before I know it August 27th will be here. I also signed up for a 5k in New Hope, PA. It’s called Run Now, Wine Later. I mean who wouldn’t want to run a race the serves you wine at the finish line! Actually, I ran this race last year with my friend Sandy and we had so much fun we decided to go back this September. And last but not least, in October I will be running a half marathon in Hershey, PA. This will be the first time I participated in this race. Several of my running friends will be there too. With all these upcoming races, my training is in full swing!

If we were chatting at Starbucks this morning I would share…

that I attended the Scholastic Reading Summit in Leesburg, VA. It was a one day conference but we managed to make it a girls’ overnight stay for a little pampering at the beautiful Landsdowne Resort & Spa. The theme of the conference was the power of Independent Reading. Although it was a small conference it had a big bang of presenters. In just one day I had the opportunity to hear John Schumacher, Donalyn Miller, Nancie Atwell, Lauren Tarshis, and Sara Pennypacker. Everyone was so motivating! I came home with an AwEsOmE “swag bag” of books, compliments of the Scholastic Reading Summit, and I bought my own stack of books for our classroom library.  All the books at the Scholastic book fair were 25% off! I have so many new titles to share and book talks to present. ***throw confetti*** If a Scholastic Reading Summit is in your area, I highly recommend it.

If we were chatting at Starbucks this morning I would share…

that summer is quickly coming to an end. Maddie and I have been busy getting ready for her move back to college. This year she will have an apartment off campus so we have been diligently shopping for big and small items for her new place. We’ve been pricing everything from mattresses, to curtains, to decorations. It’s an exciting time and she’s quite anxious to have her own place and space.

If we were chatting at Starbucks this morning I would share…

that I am quite envious of the pastries you picked out to enjoy with your coffee. I would only be drinking a hot tea straight up with no sugar because I am on day 16 of 30 of my Whole 30 food challenge journey. I’m happy to say that I have successfully made it past the halfway mark. It’s been a challenge to say the least, but I guess if it was easy everyone would do it!

So, that’s what’s been happening this running, reading, and rockin’ mom’s world. I’m wondering what you would be sharing with me at Starbucks this morning!



Slice of Life

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Two Writing Teachers

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29 thoughts on “Join Me at Starbucks!

  1. Lisa, You were in Leesburg?!?!? I LIVE in Leesburg…right down the street from the Lansdowne Resort. Wow!! I had lots of friends attend and I heard it was great. Half marathon?!?! WOW! Amazing. I am cheering you on for all of your races. Way to go!

  2. Amy, I always enjoy how you structure your posts! You’ve had a busy summer and are clearly gearing up for a busy fall. The Scholastic Reading Summit sounds wonderful–what a line up of speakers! Thanks for sharing coffee and chit chat at Starbucks. (That’s somewhere I may have been once or twice (or a dozen times) this summer.) It was fun to catch up!

  3. If I was at Starbucks I would love to chat with you about both running and your time at the Scholastic Reading Summit. I’m considering a half marathon in October in Newport, RI. It’s a beautiful race course. What a great stack of books!

  4. I got to hear Donalyn Miller speak at a summer conference here in Michigan as well! Along with Kate Dicamillo and Raina Telgemeier! It was awesome and very motiviating! 🙂

  5. Love the structure and admit I often visit Starbucks, would tell you that I’m getting ready for a trip to Missouri with my daughter and granddaughters to visit family members, my brother, cousins, much fun. Congrats on the races and finishing with a half-marathon is terrific. I envy you the reading summit day, say on FB how great that day was. And best wishes to your daughter in her new place, so exciting for her.

  6. Love this format. So many interesting things happening in your life, If I were chatting in Starbucks I would probably talk about the quilt show (see my post) and our upcoming trip.

  7. I read this post with a coffee. Tea comes later. I loved this format and I was impressed that you are doing the Whole 30. Several friends have done it and found it gave them more energy.

  8. I’ve been sipping my iced coffee as I read your post and feel as if we’ve been chatting. You have so many great happenings in your life! I so wish all teachers could attend something like the reading summit and get inspired by speakers to be the literacy leader in their classrooms. What a treat for your students!

  9. I also love how you structured your post! If we were chatting at Starbucks, I would want to talk about books and the summit day. We could compare notes on our daughters – mine is moving into a new apartment but no longer needs my help (sad and happy about that!).

  10. So I am very curious about the 30 days. Going to check that out. Love how you set this up…Starbucks. Somehow that changes everything and creates an intimacy.

  11. If I were at Starbuck’s I would be chatting about the heat right now and the wedding I went to at the Jersey Shore in the heat wave. This is a very good format for slicing, Amy. Did you see the invitation to my new gallery, Summerscapes?

  12. Pingback: Readfessions of a Reading Specialist | Runner, Reader, & Rockin' Mom

  13. Pingback: I’m going! Are you? | Runner, Reader, & Rockin' Mom

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