Sanity Savers

I follow a lot of blogs, more than I have time to read. That’s okay though because when I do sit down to read them, they inspire me and surround me with positive vibes. I would estimate that 90% are related to the world of education and many of them are fellow slicers just like you.

Just recently I did, however, stumble upon a blog called Modern Mrs. Darcy and while she’s not an educator, she is a book lover and I find parts of her blog inspirational. At the end of January she encouraged her readers to think about what is saving your life right now. Often times it is so, so easy to articulate what is killing us right now when someone inquires how we are. But what if we stopped; we stopped right now and thought about what is giving us life? What is saving us right now?

The problem is that many times the things that are saving our life right now are the small things, the simple things, the silly things. In fact, they may feel so silly because they seem so small. It doesn’t matter, acknowledge them anyway. Get your journal out and write them down. If we don’t take the time to write them down, undoubtably our mind drifts. It drifts to worry, hurry, anger, or feelings of being overwhelmed.

So, I broke out my journal and over the course of a week I looked for what is giving me life. And while I won’t share all of them right here, I will share (in no particular order) several of my sanity savers – no matter how small or silly they may seem to you or to me.

  • watching the fur kids frolic in the morning
  • hearing the wind chime outside in the early morning breeze
  • the magic of tidying up my house
  • my IG account and feed
  • watching The Heart of a Champion early Sunday mornings
  • Matt making dinner effortlessly again and again
  • journals and reflection time
  • silly Snapchatting with Maddie, family, and friends
  • enjoying a Wendy’s chocolate frosty
  • watching This Is Us on Tuesday evenings
  • cozy Cabin socks on a chilly day
  • Papermate Flair felt tip markers
  • workout buddies
  • perennials starting to bloom
  • scented candles and essential oils
  • feeling the warmth of the sun shining through the foyer window

There you have it. My sanity savers.  Just a sprinkling of the magic that is saving my life right now. Truthfully, though, the real magic is in noticing of these small, simple, or silly gifts day in and day out. For the more I notice them, the more I realize all that is good, right here, right now.


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Slice of Life

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Two Writing Teachers

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18 thoughts on “Sanity Savers

  1. Amy, I think this is one of my favorite pieces that you’ve ever shared! I am also a fan of the good Mrs. Darcy but had not read that particular post. I love the question “What is saving your life right now?” What a powerful reminder to shift our focus to the saving things which, as you noted, often seem small and/or silly. I loved reading through your list and it immediately made me want to create my own. (By the way, we have a few things in common!) Thanks so much for starting my day with this!

  2. We’ve been thinking the same thing, Amy. It IS the little things that add life to our days. Unfortunately, many people seem to have trained their minds only to focus on the problems and struggles and pass by these good things. But I think as writers, we are changing this. We notice. It’s what we do. Our lives are better because of it. Have a great Sunday full of those little moments that give you goodness.

  3. What you have done here is so important! I felt peaceful just reading through your list. I too love This Is Us, but just recently had NBC taken off of our DISH account. Thinking that we will all be putting much pressure on them this coming Tuesday. I will watch it on a few days after, if not. Thank you for sharing your thoughts here.

  4. I love this for so many reasons. Intentionally thinking about the positives not defaulting to the negatives. Your message is a great reminder. And I’m going to check out the blog you referenced at the beginning of your slice. Happy Sunday to you.

  5. What a great topic for a writer’s notebook – sanity savers! I think I am going to sit down right now and make a list in my notebook while sipping my steamy-hot cocoa (a sanity saver!). Thanks, Amy, for a calming piece on Sunday morning, giving me some moments to stop and pause on the little things that keep us sane and that give us bits of joy to sprinkle throughout crazy-busy weeks!

  6. I love this post! I have not of thought that question in that way… What gives you life? Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Your sanity savers are things that many take for granted.

  7. I love your list of sanity savers< Amy. What a great alternative to all of the negativeness and complaints we so often share when others ask us, "How's it going?"

  8. I so love this concept – “what is giving us life right now.’ I think this could be a post sometime for me during these 31 days. I love the perspective of it!
    Continue to enjoy the things that give you life!

  9. Wonderful slice. It helps us all keep life in perspective. One small thing that definitely resonates with me is “feeling the warmth of the sun shining through the foyer window”… That is such a gift, especially in our state that is still in deep winter.

  10. Lists are important for all writers and the investment in time you have given to this list making exercise has been most valuable in reminding not just yourself but we who have chosen to visit you on this occasion that their is significant value in paying attention to certain aspects of our lives. There is joy to be found in reflection.

  11. I love reading Modern Mrs. Darcy. But I’m an occasional visitor and missed this post. So I appreciate this post about what is giving you life right now, your sanity savers. “…many times the things that are saving our life right now are the small things, the simple things, the silly things.” Two favorite sanity savers for me: a trip to the library just to read magazines and a trip to a cozy Starbucks, raspberry hot chocolate by my side, with time to write.

  12. Pingback: Are You Kidding Me? | Runner, Reader, & Rockin' Mom

  13. Pingback: Sanity Savers | Nix the comfort zone

  14. Pingback: Small Gratitudes: Slice of Life 12/31 #sol17 | the dirigible plum

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